Největší český výrobce kanalizační litiny


Light traffic load

The manhole covers are designed to cover manholes in roads with light traffic load, for local roads with passenger traffic and maximum traffic of 15 trucks per day. They are not suitable for roads with heavy traffic loads. 

The covers meet the requirements of EN124-2 in D400 load class. 

Heavy traffic load

The manhole covers are designed to cover manholes in roads with high traffic load, for roads with a maximum traffic of 500 trucks per day. 

The covers meet the requirements of EN124-2 in D400 load class. 

Extreme traffic load

The manhole covers are designed for covering manholes in roads with extreme traffic load, for roads with traffic over 500 trucks per day, respectively for 1st class roads, intersections, highway crossing lanes. The covers meet the requirements of EN124-2 in load class of D400 to E600. 

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